FOR-SITE Foundation
The FOR-SITE Foundation is dedicated to the idea that art can inspire fresh thinking and important dialogue about our natural and cultural environment. Through exhibitions, commissions, artist residencies, and education programs, FOR-SITE supports the creation and presentation of innovative art about place. High profile projects include Ai Weiwei at Alcatraz and Andy Goldsworthy in the Presidio.
The site was a team collaboration with Ari Salomon leading development. The connection between current and past projects and the display of “parent” and “child” projects required a deep investigation and reworking of how the organization presents its core projects. Interconnected artists, projects and news items make for a smooth way to navigate deep content. This project was coordinated with an update to their branding and designed to accomodate a change of focus of the organization as it grew into it’s second decade.
Ari built, expanded and maintained the site from 2012 to 2022.